本自述文件包含有关安装和使用 Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2017 SP2 软件的最新信息。强烈建议您在安装软件之前完整阅读本文档。为了便于以后参考,您应当将本自述文件保存到硬盘上。
注意:对于在本文档中标识的合格软件或硬件(或您可能使用的与 Autodesk 产品有关的任何其他第三方软件或硬件)的第三方硬件或软件供应商所发布的更新、扩展或新版本的安装中产生的 Autodesk 软件错误或失败,Autodesk 不承担任何责任。
其他资源 |
先决条件 |
Service Pack 版本 |
安装/卸载 |
Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2017 SP2 中修复的问题 |
客户错误报告 (CER) |
可以在下表中找到与 Autodesk® 3ds Max 2017 相关的各种资源:
资源 |
位置 |
安装帮助 |
系统要求 |
学习资源 |
支持资源 |
http://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/3ds-max 或 http://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/ |
3ds Max SDK 文档 |
用户必须先安装 Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2017,然后才能安装此 Service Pack。
3ds Max Beta 版安装
如果之前安装了 Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2017 的任何 Beta 版软件(包括发布候选 (RC) 版本),请卸载并删除与这些 Beta 版本相关的所有系统文件夹,然后再安装商业版本。Beta 门户上的 Beta 和 RC 自述文件中发布了有关如何卸载 Beta 版本的说明。
更新的产品 |
更新文件名 |
Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2017 SP2 |
3dsMax2017_SP2.msp |
1. 下载对应您系统的文件。请参见“Service Pack 版本”。
2. 双击 Service Pack 2 可执行文件。
3. 按照 Service Pack 2 安装程序中的安装提示进行安装。
SP2 备注:如果您未使用 Autodesk 更新管理器,建议您通过强制静默安装来提高安装性能:
1. 在与 .msp 相同的文件夹中打开命令提示窗口
2. 运行以下命令:
msiexec /update 3dsMax2017_SP2.msp /quiet /l* update_2017_sp2.log
Windows 7/Windows 8
1. 打开“开始”>“控制面板”>“程序和功能”。
2. 单击“查看已安装的更新”。
3. 选择“Autodesk 3ds Max 2017 Service Pack 2”。
4. 单击“卸载”。
Windows 10
1. 在“搜索 Windows”中,键入“已安装的更新”,然后选择“查看已安装的更新”。
2. 选择“Autodesk 3ds Max 2017 Service Pack 2”。
3. 单击“卸载”。
以下列表包含此版本中已修复的问题(Service Pack 2 包含早期 3ds Max 2017 Service Pack 修复的所有问题)。
键 | 概要 | 构件 |
MAXX-29664 | Animation Trajectory doesn't render until you re-select an object | Animation |
MAXX-30460 | Bones animated using a HI IK Solver do not animate correctly after goal keyframe changes | Animation |
MAXX-30614 | Customer Error Report: "Compute Mixdown" in the mixer is causing a program error | Animation |
MAXX-28653 | Turning on Biped "Figure Mode" can cause program errors | Animation |
MAXX-27048 | Unlocalize some strings and tooltips under "MassFX" tab in "Command Panel". | Animation MassFX |
MAXX-30652 | pb1/pb2 parameters with TYPE_WORLD are not rescaled on load if object in a CA | Core |
MAXX-29639 | Adding a 3rd party plugin path isn't saved properly when running 3ds Max 2017 in French | Core |
MAXX-30316 | Slow node creation / modifier application in complex scene | Core |
MAXX-30213 | Add methods for controlling logging level via maxscript | Core |
MAXX-28535 | Customer Error Report: Program error when deleting coincident geometry | Core |
MAXX-30753 | Customer Error Report: Program error on startup due to poor debug output | Core |
MAXX-29238 | MaxPlus fail on set useshaderfx | Core MaxPlus |
MAXX-31355 | getInterfaces |
Core MAXScript |
MAXX-31353 | runtime exceptions can lose their descriptions | Core MAXScript |
MAXX-30761 | gw.text text color not working correctly | Core MAXScript |
MAXX-30726 | sysinfo.MAXpriority enum values incomplete | Core MAXScript |
MAXX-30697 | ValueHolderMember::set_value needs to protect its arg | Core MAXScript |
MAXX-29644 | MaxScript: Extended Standard material doesn't support Show Realistic option | Core MAXScript |
MAXX-29598 | Maxscript Editor window scroll position after search is broken. | Core MAXScript |
MAXX-26572 | Save Selected (saveNodes) call using Maxscript on some custom rigs causes 3dsmax to hang indefinitely | Core MAXScript |
MAXX-31204 | Program error with Qt ParamBlock UI | Core SDK |
MAXX-29936 | MotionBuilder FBX skeleton with SphericXYZ Rotation, Import result in 3ds Max is incorrect | FileIO |
MAXX-29400 | FBX presets not saving | FileIO |
MAXX-31608 | File I/O - running 3 instances of max will have the 3rd to a program error on file open | FileIO |
MAXX-28179 | Revit FBX geometry scale import issue. | FileIO |
MAXX-30891 | Error message when trying to save rendered image to protected location does not respect silent mode | FileIO |
MAXX-30665 | Customer Error Report: Program error on file load with second session when file accesses Autodesk Materials. | Materials Material Editors |
MAXX-29950 | Customer Error Report: Program error applying specific Blend material setup to object | Modeling |
MAXX-29758 | Typo in ShapeMap and TextMap .manualHeight Alias | Modeling |
MAXX-30285 | Point To Point selection is selecting a wrong polygon loops. | Modeling |
MAXX-30265 | 3D snap isn't snapping to vertices on the same shape when Start New Shape parameter is unchecked | Modeling |
MAXX-30944 | Tension engine doesn't work with Poly Mesh representations of Cone and Cylinder objects | Modeling |
MAXX-31001 | Alembic export does not follow naming spec convention | Modeling |
MAXX-30826 | Snap not working with Editable Poly | Modeling |
MAXX-29878 | Edge loop - Selection with Shift creates unpredictable results. | Modeling Improvements |
MAXX-29604 | Slices on cylinders and cones are badly converted to Editable Poly | Modeling Modifiers |
MAXX-30886 | Missing some modifiers on groups | Modeling Modifiers |
MAXX-30635 | UVW Unwrap - Flatten mapping spinners do not work | Modeling UVW |
MAXX-29596 | Internal gammaMgr defaults are incorrect | Rendering |
MAXX-30947 | Viewport errors reopening legacy files saved with 3ds Max 2017 SP1 | Rendering |
MAXX-30811 | Physical Sky not visible in Viewport | Rendering |
MAXX-29379 | Warning: Expected structure "E" missing from "m" shader declaration | Rendering |
MAXX-29801 | Scene converterpProgram error when converting certain Autodesk Materials | Scene Converter |
MAXX-29649 | Scene Converter: Replace hardcoded progress display with accurate count | Scene Converter |
MAXX-30326 | Mental ray custom attributes added to a material even if mray is not present | Rendering MentalRay |
MAXX-25545 | Particle Flow stacks on top of each other when reopened | Slate SDK |
MAXX-31006 | Add responsive UI for Stingray DX shader material in 3dsmax | Stingray Live Link |
MAXX-30325 | Using underlines in TextPlus text causes odd behavior when deleting characters | Text tool |
MAXX-28792 | TextPlus doesn't show up in the global search | Text tool |
MAXX-30754 | Customer Error Report: Program error on startup with renamed Brush Presets toolbar | UI |
MAXX-30008 | Cropped Quick Pelt Dialogue in HDPI UI | UI |
MAXX-29671 | Right click does not deactivate spinner up/down arrows | UI |
MAXX-30565 | Viewport Configuration - Display Performance tab has cutoff UI when Windows DPI scaling set to 110% | UI |
MAXX-30490 | Sub-Object icons in Modifier Stack do not appear when modifier Off in Renderer is enabled | UI |
MAXX-30130 | Blurry icons in Curve editor (and a couple other places) | UI |
MAXX-30736 | Changing color swatch in Physical Exposure Control will generate many Undo events | UI |
MAXX-31164 | Workspace settings revert to Template workspace after closing/re-opening 3ds Max 2017 | UI |
MAXX-31033 | Add Qt Point2 Spinners to support UI binding to paramblock TYPE_POINT2 parameter | UI |
MAXX-30839 | QT Node and Texmap button refresh issues | UI |
MAXX-30646 | QT Spinner used different click and drag cursor than the legacy spinners | UI |
MAXX-30641 | Numerical Expression tool leaves Physical Camera Exposure Control fields white | UI |
MAXX-30655 | QtParamUIRep SetTooltip implementation | UI |
MAXX-30029 | Edit/Editable Poly icon update | UI |
MAXX-29994 | Text in the rendering dialog has a different background color | UI |
MAXX-29993 | Text clipping: Lots of text is clipped when DPI scaling not 100%, 125%, 150% and 200% | UI |
MAXX-29915 | Rendering frame - UI disappears on a mouse click | UI |
MAXX-29914 | Track Set : Dialog need to refresh properly when resized | UI |
MAXX-29646 | App button icon is not DPI aware | UI |
MAXX-29599 | Spinners in "Physical Camera Exposure Control" not working as expected | UI |
MAXX-30522 | QT Spinners with animated parameters don't return to value after Undo or Redo | UI |
MAXX-30549 | Resize modifier stack icons so that they don't overlap background outline | UI |
MAXX-30495 | Sub-Object icons always appear in top modifiers in stack from modifiers/base object | UI |
MAXX-30475 | QT Spinner: Integer spinner for date/time scrolls 1 value past maximum and minimum when dragging | UI |
MAXX-30476 | QT Spinner: Some spinners will not work with click drag when starting at default value | UI |
MAXX-30474 | QT Spinner for integers scales up slowly during click & drag | UI |
MAXX-30513 | Qt spinner support for Numeric Expression Evaluator (Ctlr+N) | UI |
MAXX-30516 | Qt spinner: Display red outline to indicate a keyframe at current frame | UI |
MAXX-30478 | QT Spinner: Doesn't use internal step scale during click & drag | UI |
MAXX-30473 | Implement a Qt Button TEXMAP type Drag n Drop behavior | UI |
MAXX-30519 | Qt spinner support for wrap cursor near spinner | UI |
MAXX-30518 | Relative offset does not work for Integer Qt Spinners, QmaxSpinBox | UI |
MAXX-30496 | Spline Select missing sub-object icons in Modifier Stack view | UI |
MAXX-30453 | Implement a Qt Button TEXMAP type | UI |
MAXX-30357 | Replace plus/minus bmp in Editable Poly and Edit Poly | UI |
MAXX-30334 | Sun Positioner: Some spinners will result in +/- 0.1 value difference than at start of click-drag action instead of exactly where it started | UI |
MAXX-30335 | Sun Positioner: Spinners with keys will register Drag+Right-Click as end of drag and remain at last value in spinner UI. | UI |
MAXX-30333 | Sun Positioner: Date & Time rollout spinners don't work with single clicks. | UI |
MAXX-30343 | Editable Spline, Edit Spline, Spline Select - Rollout and Modifier Stack icons | UI |
MAXX-30306 | Update UV Editor Loop Icons | UI |
MAXX-30269 | Modifier stack sub-object icons scale properly to system DPI scaling | UI |
MAXX-30268 | Camera mode cursors match DPI scaling | UI |
MAXX-30600 | Modifier stack sub-object icons - Implementation - Edit Normals, Fillet/Chamfer, HSDS | UI |
MAXX-30603 | Update Modifier panel icons - HSDS, Hair&Fur | UI |
MAXX-30264 | Mesh Select icons update | UI |
MAXX-30263 | Poly Select icons update | UI |
MAXX-30145 | Edit Mesh icon update | UI |
MAXX-30146 | Edit Patch icon update | UI |
MAXX-30126 | Make Qt Param wrapper aware of tab param | UI |
MAXX-30981 | Make Spinner.cur DPI aware | UI |
MAXX-30980 | Percentage spinners do not display proper scaled value | UI |
MAXX-26424 | Create multiRes icons for biped motion panel - Keyframing Tools, Layers, Copy/Paste, Motion Capture rollups | UI |
MAXX-28069 | Curve Editor / make keyframe handle DPI aware | UI |
MAXX-30855 | Update Vertex and Loop/Ring icons in UVUnwrap Editor | UI |
MAXX-30125 | Implement Qt Color Button Drag n Drop behavior | UI |
MAXX-30472 | Implement Qt Button TEXMAP type Cut/Copy/Clear/Paste behavior | UI |
MAXX-30461 | Implement Qt Color Button Copy/Paste behavior | UI |
MAXX-30828 | The vertex number doesn't change on the Modifier Command Panel rollup (Vertex XX selected). | UI |
MAXX-31032 | Move QMaxRollup.h and QMaxRollupContainer.h to maxsdk | UI |
MAXX-30982 | Cursor does not change to arrow over QToolButton | UI |
MAXX-31080 | Biped motion panel: Integrate rollup multi res icons | UI |
MAXX-31230 | Making copy of Physical Camera can cause 3ds Max to a program error | Viewports Nitrous |
MAXX-29935 | Cut doesn't work properly on mirrored objects | Viewports Nitrous |
MAXX-28980 | Viewport Performance mode with fast shader override improvement | Viewport Performance Improvement |
最终用户提交的客户错误报告 (CER) 帮助我们极大提高了 Autodesk® 3ds Max® 的稳定性。我们非常感谢您花时间填写这些报告,我们希望您提供尽可能多的有关在发生错误时您执行的操作的信息。这些详细信息极大提高了报告的价值,Autodesk 3ds Max 质量工程团队非常感谢您提供了这些信息。
Copyright © 2016 Autodesk®, Inc.